Categories: Archivio storico

The assessment of energy in local governments

When referring to the system of the country, the rationalising of public expenditure and the efficiency in the use of financial resources have now assumed relevant importance in the overall running of the public administration, as has been evidenced by recent laws on Spending Review. In this respect, a sector that presents ample room for energy management through intervention on structures used by public administrations, accounts for a total annual expenditure exceeding 4,500 million Euros.

An effective tool used by public administrations are contracts in the supply of integrated energy services provided by Consip S.p.A. in compliance to the appropriate conventions. They are typically enlisted under the category of so-called “achievement contracts”, whose main feature is characterized by a commitment to energy saving that the contractor must ensure to the contracting party. One of the main problems that arise in relation to these contracts, is how to properly quantify energy requirements and effective energy consumption structures, on the basis of which to calculate the energy savings commitment proposed, to be finally used as a referred value in the final assessment in the effective achievement of fixed commitments.

Effective consumption can be quantified only through a proper and accurate energy assessment performed by a third party – which can be termed Energy Assessment Manager (EAM) –supplying reliable data to PA and guaranteeing energy requirements and effective consumption of own structures with the aim to obtain a better knowledge of its architectural heritage, but above all , to provide higher credibility to the whole financial planning of the contract, as far as facilitating the retrieval of financial resources – by the Contractor in carrying out planned streamlining measures.

In this perspective, it would be possible proposing an innovative contract model, based on a real asset insurance for the benefit of the contracting authority; and envisage the possible stipulation of an insurance policy by the srvice providing company, which can ensure a reasonable refund from P.A. should the energy saving targets not be achieved.

Hence, starting initially with the Energy Consumption Certification issued by an Energy Assessment Manager, a new series of energy management services within the public administrations could be developed, giving impetus, competitiveness and innovation to the industry as a whole. It would therefore be auspiscious that competent authorities clearly define appropriate provisions regulating the role, responsibilities and skills required in the innovative figure of EAM. The impulse that could be given to the sector will also facilitate the achievement of European objectives, including those of Italy, in relation to energy-environment as laid down in the climate and energy package 20-20-20.
Until today, despite Italian legislation on energy, which could be considered a reference point even at community level, the failure in achieving results has often been due to scarce economic resources or the absence of penalty mechanisms. The availability of new tools is therefore an essential prerequisite for a faster and more efficient attainment of the target fixed by the governing authorities, and a strong incentive for innovation in the market under reference.

Alexandra Mogilatova
General Director – EXITone S.p.A. a subsidiary of STI

Angelo Perfetti

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