Elisabeth had decided, she could not keep it this time. She had already been helped eight years earlier, when she had fallen pregnant of her first child. A job, a house where to live, leading a simple but noble life, having come from a distant land. Now, once again she felt shame to admit that the same man, who had left her and the baby to take care of had turned up again, but only to deceive her once more, leaving in her the germ of another life- to- be and that he had no intention of taking responsability for. Once more, she was alone and decided that she could not support another child.

When Dr. M. saw her arrive in Gynecologic Surgery division, he decided not to receive her. Elisabeth had showed up very late for her appointment and there were already other women waiting. “I’m usually very kind – tells the doctor – but I had decided that it was right to have the timetable respected”. When I talked to Elisabeth, however, her eyes were swelling with tears. I understood that perhaps it was something more than just a normal check-up, so I decided to let her wait.”

I want to interrupt the pregnancy,” says Elisabeth. The gynecologist did not expert it at all. It wasn’t the right department to book for an abortion. “But above all I was impressed by the casualness of the meeting – he explains –. I had just arrived in this hospital just a few days before as a new-comer. She had made a mistake. I’d have had to send her off because it was late, On the contrary, I had decided to receive her … So many coincidences, or maybe it was not a simple coincidence at all? “.

The doctor asked the reason for that choice. However, in the clinic there was also a nurse. The doctor carefully measured his words, he still was not on a fixed contract, and the topic was quite a delicate one. to deal with. At one point, the nurse went out on an errand and the two –patient and doctor-got to talk more freely; on returning later, she was annoyed at the exceeding attention the doctor laviche on the patient-even more so, seeing that she had arrived late and in the wrong department. Doctor and patient, exchanged looks of understanding. Dr. M. accompanied Elisabeth out and asked her for her telephone number, promising that he would have got back to her.« On having finished my duty, I called her-he goes on to say-. She was adamant on choosing to abort, but I did perceive at the same time a slight opening up for another solution. I asked her not to discard of the child, promising that I would find someone willing to help her. ”

Dr. M. came from another city and had no acquaintances in that area. He browsed through the list to look for the number of an association that helps mothers in need and found the community Papa Giovanni XXIII, being well informed about their committment on these issues. He met the Secretary, who picking up the urgency of the situation, immediately involved the person concerned.
“Can I count on you?” asked the doctor. “Do tell Elisabeth, that if she chooses to keep the baby we will ensure her all the help she needs.” The District Manager of the community replied; “ask her to give us her number so that we can meet. ”

Then he called on Gemma, a volunteer of the community: “Do you feel like taking this situation to heart all the way through?”. It is not to be taken for granted, when you know that the life or death of a human being depends solely on you. The volunteer agreed. She tried contacting Elisabeth on the phone and asked her to meet, but it seemed useless now. She said that there was no need to meet as the date for the abortion had been set.’-tells-Gemma. I asked her not to give me a definite reply,and that we would meet again “.

Elisabeth cried on the phone, making no point of keeping back her sorrow for the decision she had taken. The day after Gemma called her saying: “I’m coming to see you”. The meeting was very intense and painstaking. Gemma endeavoured to make Elisabeth aware of what happens during the practice of abortion. At the same time ensures her she was no longer alone, that her problems were to be dealt with together.

“After a week I went back to see her. The news was unexpected: ‘ I have cancelled the appointment for the abortion,” said Elisabeth. ” When all seemed lost, a dim light seemed to filter through the opening. But we had to now fulfil the promises made.”

From that moment onwards, a new path had begun, no longer the path to prevent death, but the path to accompany life. “I tried to understand who her contacts in the area were. I asked some families who are already sensitive on the issue for help and who would be ready to give support in difficult situations. I also got the local Help Center for Life involved.”

Eventually, small Thomas came to light in the same hospital where he had risked being killed. Next to Elisabeth, side by side with the volunteer, Gemma, and other mothers who take turns with Gemma. A bond of friendship has now been conslidated-a solid bond, on which to rely on.

And Dr. M.? Thanks to him that this has become a story of life-giving and not of death. Elisabeth still remembers vivdly and the first time she went back to the hospital for a check-up, she sent for him. The doctor arrived, and taking little Thomas in his arms he is moved. He asked her when he was born: “The 25th September”. “That’s incredible! – he exclaims– it is the same day I received the letter from the Medical Director to sign the emplyment-contract! ”

Needless to say, economic and organizational arrangements are to be made for this woman, who now ihas to handle no longer one but two children. Elisabeth, however, has no longer been left on her own. And when she takes her baby in her arms and brings him to her breast to milk you can perceive all the joy of a mother through and through.

Translation provided by Marina Stronati